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Pupil Voice

At Knowle-DGE Academy we believe the importance of children and young people being able to contribute an opinion and to be included in decisions that involve and affect them within the life of our school.

Therefore, at Knowle-DGE we have a 'Pupil voice' which is made up of two pupil representatives from each hub.

Pupil voice representatives meet Termly and bring forward any ideas or suggestions from peers about developing the academy. In the past this has meant the introduction of school fleeces and a wide variety of fruit to eat daily as well as discussions with SARI regarding how we could tackle any forms of racism or bullying , should this arise.

Pupil voice has a central display in the Academy's main corridor.

Pupil voice meetings are staffed by our SENDCo Jenny Bradbury and SaLT intervention lead Kelly Gillard with Termly minutes being produced by our Administrator Jo Trott.


2020-21 Pupil Voice members:

Primary: William & Oliver

Discovery: Frankie & Leon

Guidance: Thomas & Alfie

Enjoyment: Jake & Kaidon

Explore: Riva & Rhys

Sixth Form: Troy & Chardonnay