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“We respect the learning environment and know that we are here to learn”

Welcome from the Head

   Hello and welcome to Knowle DGE Academy website.

 We cater for a wide range of young people with Special Educational Needs   and Disability (SEND). This includes Social, Emotional and Mental Health   needs (SEMH), Speech, Language and Communication needs (SLCN) and   Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) from Key Stage 1-5.

 We are situated in two modern buildings with fantastic facilities and   provide high quality education and exceptional pastoral support to the   young people. 

 We pride ourselves on being a nurturing academy that enables the young   people to feel safe, valued and capable of achieving their very best. Our   curriculum is designed to help our young people to succeed and become   as independent as they can possibly be. 

 The young people are guided to discover, enjoy and explore the curriculum through a wide variety of learning opportunities both inside and outside the classroom. 

 I hope you will find this website informative, but please make contact if   you wish to find out more information.

  Kate Lee-Wells

Head Teacher




Knowle DGE Academy

Belief, Respect, Responsibility
All equal, all different, all achieving together

Contact Us

Knowle DGE Academy,
Leinster Avenue,


0117 370 8030